Publishing the Aragon X Scorecard
The Aragon X Scorecard brings transparency to our progress of building resilient technology for DAOs; Get ready for our multiplayer game with Indie DAO at EthDenver; Catch a team member at a talk
What’s New
Without an unstoppable tech stack, DAOs themselves cannot be unstoppable. This week we published the first iteration of the Aragon X Scorecard, which brings transparency to our progress of building resilient technology for DAOs. Read the full report here.
Will you be the very best? Show us what you’ve got at EthDenver in our Massively Multiplayer Rock Paper Scissors game, hosted with Indie DAO! Register for the event here and join the Farcaster channel to stay up to date on where cards will be dropped IRL so you can play.
We will have multiple team members speaking at EthDenver. Check out the Events section below for all details!
Publishing the Aragon X Scorecard
Our vision is a world where humans can coordinate by the rule of code, reducing the need for enforcement through the threat of violence. DAOs rely on the resilience of the underlying technology they are built on to bring this vision to life. Without an unstoppable tech stack, DAOs themselves cannot be unstoppable.
We are dedicated to building robust and secure infrastructure for DAOs today and well into the future. The Aragon X Scorecard is an effort to bring transparency to our progress. This is a continuous journey, and we will be engaging and updating our community of builders along the way.
Where we’re doing well:
Open Source
Decentralized Storage
Product Security
Where we need to improve:
Data Indexing
Censorship Resistance
User Tracking
Protocol Governance
We share details on all of these areas in our first iteration:
Highlights from the week
Carlos, CTO, spoke about Team Staking on an X space with Eth Kipu. Listen to the recording (in spanish)!
Massively Mutliplayer Rock Paper Scissors (#mmrps)
Will you coordinate your way to the top? Join us and Indie DAO for a coordinated game of Massively Multiplayer Rock Paper Scissors throughout EthDenver!
Obtain a card, wager it on RPS matches, and win prizes for collecting the most cards at the end.
Follow our dedicated channel on Farcaster for card drop updates, gaming schedules, and more!
Sneak peek of the cards:
Catch the team at a talk
Buidl Week — “Future Proof Governance: Building the Modular Organizations of the Future”
Feb 27, 11:15 am on the Submarine Stage
Samantha, Content Editor, will be speaking about modular governance using Aragon OSx.
How to DAO — “What is a DAO?”
Feb 28, 11 am in the DAO Castle
Samantha, Content Editor, will be talking about what DAOs are from a technical perspective, and why they matter for DeFi and web3 as a whole.
Decentralized Dialogues — “Token Distribution is a Governance Decision”
Mar 1, 7:00 pm at the Oxford Hotel
Ivan Fartunov, Ecosystem Lead, will be speaking about important considerations in token distribution early in a project’s life.
EthDenver main event — “Solving the Governance Problem: Better Tools and the Will to Use Them”
Mar 2, 10:30 am on the Atlantis Main Stage
Jessica, Head of Growth, will be joining a panel on governance and how to improve it.
Read the new Aragon X scorecard
Register for the MMRPS event at EthDenver
Follow the Farcaster channel for updates on card drops
Have a great weekend!
—Aragon X