DAO Operations just got easier with no-code batched withdrawals ⚡️
Batched withdrawals make it easy to manage assets, dive into how Aragon OSx was designed with security at the forefront, Polygon is the most popular chain for builders launching DAOs on the Aragon App
Top 3
DAO operations teams, this one’s for you! Introducing human readable, no-code batched withdrawals, the easiest and cheapest way to send funds in bulk to manage assets. In the withdrawal flow, click “Add another withdrawal” to create a batch. When the vote passes, the actions are automatically executable by any wallet. Easy and efficient.
Carlos, Aragon CTO, spoke with Halborn, the team that audited Aragon OSx, about the process of building Aragon OSx with security as the top priority. Listen to their conversation and read more about DAO smart contract security in the first guide of our security series.
Polygon is the most popular chain to launch your DAO on Aragon, with over 60% of DAOs launched choosing the sidechain as their homebase. Check out some of the exciting new organizations built on Polygon in this week’s DAO Radar!
DAO Operations just got easier: Introducing no-code batched withdrawals in the Aragon App
DAO Operations teams—we heard you.
You need a fast, efficient way to manage assets.
We’re excited to announce that batched withdrawals are now available in the Aragon App!
No need to create multiple proposals for multiple withdrawals—simply batch them into one proposal and vote! This makes it much easier to manage assets and send payouts quickly and efficiently.
Now, when initiating a withdrawal in your DAO in the Aragon App, you can add more withdrawals directly underneath your first one. Continuing adding more until you have all you need!
There’s no need to switch between tools. Batched withdrawals save time and gas fees for Operations teams like yours!
Try it out and let us know what you think! If you have questions, join our builder chat in Discord.
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Network Highlights
Watch Carlos’s conversation with Halborn about DAO security:
Dive into bugs, upgrades, forks, and more in the first guide of our DAO Security series.
Learn how to enable notifications for your DAO using Push Protocol in this guide and video:
How to enhance your DAO and increase community engagement
Twitter Space hosted by Push Protocol
🗓️ Tuesday, June 20, 5pm UTC
See you at EthBarcelona and EthCC this summer!
Juliette, Developer Advocate, will be speaking in Paris.
Try out batched withdrawals in your DAO in the Aragon App.
Learn about the security behind Aragon OSx in Carlos’s interview with Halborn.
Set a reminder for the Twitter Space with Push Protocol on Tuesday at 5pm UTC.
Read about smart contract security for DAOs.
Enable notifications for your DAO built on Aragon using Push Protocol.
Have a great weekend!
—Aragon Growth Guild