2 December 2022: Dreaming up applications for the new Aragon protocol
Aragon core team has hackathon to create applications for the new core, Blind OVOTE presented on the forum, vote passed to update Balancer pools to increase ANT liquidity
Top 3
The Aragon Project Core team gathered for in-person work at the quarterly offsite. We had a hackathon to start coming up with exciting ways to use the new modular, adaptable OS. We also set organization-wide OKRs and hosted cross-functional talks and workshops.
The Aragon ZK Research team presented Blind OVOTE, which is an anonymous voting framework for DAOs with offchain voting and onchain execution. This framework prioritizes scalability and is another important step for anonymous, protected voting in DAOs.
The vote to update Balancer pools passed unanimously. The purpose of updating the pools is to increase ANT liquidity and help Aragon be more independent in uncertain market conditions.
Highlight of the week: Dreaming up applications for the new Aragon protocol
The new aragonOS is modular and adaptable, enabling tons of new possibilities for implementations. So, we held a hackathon to see what we could build on top!
We split our core team into five groups, each tasked with solving a problem identified in our user research. We created initial concepts for:
Decentralized identity using ZK tech for secure voting in meatspace.
Secure and anonymous governance participation via ZK.
AI tool for DAO members to input opinions on governance and recieve a summary of everyone’s ideas.
Zapier integration to plug web2 tools into DAOs.
Permission management of how subDAOs make decisions.
We voted for our favorites in three categories. Here are the winners:
Best Pitch: Decentralized Identity
Best Solution: AI governance summary
Most likely to be successful in the market: AI governance summary
This internal hackathon gave us a lot of ideas for our next DAO Global Hackathon coming up in spring 2023! We can’t wait to start collaborating on new projects with builders outside our core team.
Some photos from the trip:
Narrative workshop hosted by Jessica, where we discussed our definition of “DAO” to better inform our product positioning for the App and Core in 2023.
Working away on the hackathon! This team was tasked with coming up with a framework to help DAOs make “good” decisions (defining “good” in whatever way made sense for them) and prototyped an AI tool to succinctly summarize voter sentiment and community opinion.
This hackathon team used the new aragonOS to manage permissions for subDAOs. Their prototype allowed Aragon DAOs to grant and revoke decision-making permissions for subDAOs to allow for team autonomy within a larger structure.
All about privacy! The ZK Research team was on fire this week, demo-ing multiple new findings. Here, Ahmad is deep into SHA-256, teaching the organization how to use Noir.
Beachside bike ride to decompress after a long day of work, led by our events manager, Ryan!
Dickson, product manager, spoke about how the App team is discovering and validating user needs to turn them into integrations and implementations on our App. He shared his top six user needs based on research, which we used to inform our Hackathon projects.
Taking a swim break in the Atlantic after a morning of talks and workshops.
Updating Aragon’s DEX Strategy
This proposal was approved on Aragon Voice and will update Aragon’s Balancer pools to respond to current market conditions.
0.1% turnout, 100% cast for yes.
Blind OVOTE presented by Aragon ZK Research
The Aragon ZK Research team presents the new iteration of OVOTE, with a different approach to how the census is formed. The offchain voting with onchain execution can make it easier for DAOs to scale while keeping the votes of members anonymous.
Read the full paper here.
In the new Delegates section of the forum, a discussion of possible legal wrappers for delegates in the new Aragon DAO was started.
Proposal to update Aragon forum main page
Arnau from the ZK Research team proposes a simpler UX for the forum main page, making it easier to see more posts at once and have less clutter.
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How to legally structure a DAO—Friday December 9 at 18:00 UTC: Otoco will speak about legal wrappers in the DAO space. Set a reminder here.
Check out the Blind OVOTE research paper.
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Set a reminder to attend the Twitter Space on legal wrappers with Otoco next week.
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